Tag Archives: love and first sight

Books Before Boys

Dividing fractions before bed but I’d rather read a book. Nerd alert! And I’m cool with it.

My first commandment is: Books before boys. But if boy likes books then girl likes boy who likes books.

As my college graduation present, my mum took me to Hong Kong. We would always take the MTR. One fateful day, during rush hour, I step into the semi-crowded vehicle and find a place to park. As I settled in, my eyes fell on the man across from me who was leaning on the disabled’s handlebar (no disabled people in sight so it was fine for him to stay there). He immediately caught my attention because of his almost cropped bright red curly hair (I am a sucker for flaming hair) complete with mustache and beard. He sort of reminded me of a redheaded version of Bon Iver with a crisp corporate outfit on. As I look closely at his face, I realize how young he is behind that glorious head of hair. Easily an early to almost mid 20’s. I was 21 then and 22 now so don’t worry about the non-existing age gap. I also begin to realize how handsome he is — with or without the stache and beard. I never knew how it felt when people say “love at first sight” but believe me, it exists. It did more so when I gaze down to see what had his full attention on point. The attention I wanted for myself. A BOOK. Just when I thought he couldn’t be any more perfect. My eyes try to scan the title but I’m too far and the words are too small. But I’ve been staring at him nonstop for I don’t know how many minutes that seemed like an eternity so I shift my gaze and do slight glaces once in a while. I didn’t bother with the title I was dying to know anymore as I would have probably forgotten my stance and fell forward flat on my face on the moving train and wreak total embarrassment in front of my soulmate. HAHA okay, that’s a bit much. Soulmate or not, who knows? Only the future will tell.

So near yet so far. I wanted to summon up the courage to go up to him and chat about the book he was reading and his rad beard but what was the right way to communicate? “Hi, you look really interesting. I’d like to get to know you.”??? Are those the first words you utter to someone you might possibly like a lot? Is it too forward? Is it creepy?? I’m a renowned recluse so I am no expert in the social graces and introductions of the male and female species…with the exception of the boys in my family. Alas, that idea remained but a daydream and my dream bubble popped when the MTR paused on my stop. I begin to exit the door when at the corner of my eye, I see him move! After being engrossed at that book he was reading and not moving a muscle, he stands up straight, fixes the hold on his oxford bag and walks to the door. I watch him exit the door and exit my life. I see his face – completely oblivious to the girl he mesmerized, his profile, and then the back of his head. And his figure becomes smaller and smaller and vanishes in a sea of people. Would he be one of those people we see or notice only once in our lives? Or was that moment a teaser trailer of my future? The hopeless romantic in me would like to believe the latter.

I found a photo on the web of a redhead reading. WITH a beard and a mustache. The closest photo I’d perhaps find.

I wish it was him but it’s not. This guy IS adorkable too though. But he remains just a photo to me. The guy I saw at the train? He was real.


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